Friday, September 18, 2009

Things I've Learned So Far While Living In Spain...

Here's a fun little list for your amusement: the things I've learned during the past 3 weeks about life, the universe, and studying abroad.
  1. Taking a deep breath, a nap, and/or eating something always helps in a stressful situation.
  2. When linguistically in doubt, mutter what you think you're trying to say and hope somebody makes out enough to understand you.
  3. The weather in Madrid is apparently just about as bipolar/manic-depressive as the weather in Indiana.... oh well.
  4. Finding people who want to do exactly what you want to do is a lot harder than it sounds.
  5. Don't go to the park alone after 8pm, or anywhere near dusk, the creepers will descend.
  6. Americans are generally idiots when it comes to going out at night, reading maps, and communicating in foreign languages. Making an effort at it sets you apart from the pack.
  7. While having your meals served to you and your bed made for you are great, living with a host family means even less privacy than living in a dorm.
  8. Money goes away fast. No, I mean like really fast, like Roadrunner with Wiley Coyote on his tail kinda fast.
  9. Mom is always the one you end up having a freak-out in front of, even when she's thousands of miles away.
  10. Booking flights online is akin to Napoleon's conquest of Russia: success is doomed to be marginal at best.
  11. Comfort doesn't always come in the package you think it will.
  12. Walking the tightrope of what you want versus what is good for you is the greatest challenge in life, especially when you're not exactly sure which is which.
I'm going to the Sierra De Madrid on Sunday, and Barcelona next weekend, so stay tuned for more updates!

Much love,


  1. All very true... very true indeed!

  2. I feel honored to have gotten mentioned. And I am still learning #12! Lovelovelove

  3. Very poetic! Maybe you should write a travel guide. ;)

  4. JP.... I'm not exactly sure who you are. :)
