Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Days

So, in these past few days I've been going to Orientation at SLU Madrid. It's fine, but very basic. mostly time for us to meet the other students and make friends and contacts. I really haven't learned anything revolutionary yet!
My host family is headed by Marta Garcia de Dios, a very nice seƱora with ten grown children (three still living here at her house: Silvia, Jorge, and Beatriz). The food is excellent here. All light, lots of bread, salad with olive oil and vinegar, and rice. Jorge is very close to our age and has been giving us advice on where to go out and where the other students hang out, he's great! My roommates from America are Rachel from SLU in St. Louis, and Katie from Loyola Marymount in L.A. They are very nice and we've been walking the city together and trying to get over our jetlag...
I speak the most Spanish of most of the people I've met at SLU Madrid, so that's a bit surprising but fine. I'm doing a lot of translating in our house and helping people cope when we're out on the streets.
Well, the first day of school is tomorrow. I don't have classes on Friday, so it's also my last day of class this week. Friday though there are a few socials for the students, we can sign up for clubs and sports and then go out for tapas later. (Tapas are like little appetizers that come free when you order a drink at a bar- it's a very Spanish thing.) I'm thinking of joining the Photography club, maybe going to the Film club movies sometimes, and I'd like to join Soccer club so I can learn to play finally! There is also an opportunity to teach English as a part-time job and I think I'd like to do that if I have enough time, maybe just twice a week if I can. What do you guys think?

Well, today we went on a short trip to Aranjuez, an old palace south of Madrid famous for its gardens. It's where the Kings and Queens of Spain used to go for spring or fall. It was built by Francisco the second, I think, and expanded by Charles the 3rd- The first a Hapsburg King of Spain, and the second a Bourbon, if I remember correctly. It was very pretty but i forgot to bring my camera that morning so I don't have any pictures of my own. Here's one from the Internets ;) :

This is the palace itself. We didn't go inside.

This is one of the Gardens. They where beautiful, but full of mosquitos. It was not so fall-like today, but very hot and summer-y.

Fun Fact of the Day:

I learned today that the word for the animal "duck" in Spanish is "pata". Which I find hilarious because "Pata" is the word used for the feet of animals, like "paws" in English. So it's like the Spaniards are saying that the duck's feet are the only memorable things about them! It think it's adorable, but maybe i'm just jetlaged and slap-happy. I've never liked ducks that much, but now i'm just so enamored with the idea of their cute little feet, I smile just thinking about them!

Anyway... So, I'm gonna list my clases on here, just in case you guys care...

Monday and Wednesday:
10-10:50am Advanced Oral Communication
2:30-5:15pm Drawing 1

Tuesday and Thursday:
10-10:50am Advanced Oral Communication
12:30-1:45pm Spanish Romanticism
2:30-5:15pm Latin Rhythms and Dance (Latin Ballroom)
6:00-8:45pm Design (art theory)

All of the above are in Spanish. Woot!

Well, I hope it goes well tomorrow! Take care everyone, I'll tell you next time i do anything interesting!

Much Love,


  1. Keep blogging! You will treasure it once you come back. That's what friends who've studied abroad have told me.
    Have fun!

  2. Yay! You're blogging! Now I can live vicariously through you! Yes, Pata is a cute word for Duck and yes, you are slap happy, but that's ok as long as you keep the happy part! Love you! Please blog even if you don't do anything interesting! : )

  3. Blogging is agreat idea!

    Teaching English a few hours a week might be fun and the money couldn't hurt!

  4. I vote for teaching English. A native speaker would be an asset to anyone trying to learn. I also want dance lessons when you return!! Please keep's ALL interesting to me. Foreign travel and living is so...well, me.

  5. So, I have a "pata" bathroom! I'll remember that one! Glad things are going well; I'll pass on the address to Grandma, Aunt Lynn and Lindsey!
