Friday, September 4, 2009

¡Decisiones, Decisiones!

The first few days of class have been interesting so far! I had to switch around a few classes, and there may still be some switching to be done. Sadly, my class on Spanish Romanticism had a pre-requisite that I didn't have and would have deterred my learning in the class, so i had to switch to another spanish class. Now i'm taking a shorter Dance class and right after it, a course in Spanish Culture and Civilization. It is also a 400-level so still very hard and all in Spanish, but i think that i can do it. Incidentally, I may just drop the Dance class and try to take the more advanced version that meets on Friday afternoons.- I really want to take this class, it is fantastic! I would learn more Tango, Salsa, and other cool things like latin jazz and at the end i would get to choreograph my own piece!- the only problem is that this would cut into my travel time because i would no longer have a full three-day weekend. I would leave on Thursday and come back Sunday. I think I can make this work though, because where else am I going to get this experience? But you all know me, I like to ask a bunch of people before i make up my mind about this sort of thing, so consider this me ask you what you think I should do? ( I can also take this class as an "activity" and go only when I want too, but then I have to pay 90 euros... which sounds, well, reasonable but a lot nonetheless.)

So, I just got back from going to sign up for information on extra-curricular activities. There is a theatre club, and they are putting on a play that i could audition for, but the thing is, I really want to do some other things too, and I'll be doing theatre the rest of my life- maybe now is time to stay away... dunno. Anyway, the things I really really want to do (with the School) are learn Soccer (Futbol), and do this advanced Dance class. That should leave me enough time to do the separate things I want to do, like go hiking with my host father, and go paint in the park. If i can fit in teaching English i will, but I don't know. Also, if I have the time and money, going on the school scuba diving trip and kayaking trip would be cool.

what do you all think? does this sound like a good plan? too much? am I crazy? (yes, we knew this.) But, yeah. Let me know your thoughts.- And if you don't have a google account to post on this with, get one! it's easy and there should be a link on my page somewhere.

well, I'm going out for Tapas tonight with the school, but not staying out late, because I have the trip to Segovia in the morning!

This is Arco De La Victoria, in Arguelles Neighborhood of Madrid. I live very near this famous landmark, like behind the trees to the right, in a building much like the brick one in the background.
!Hasta Luego!
[Until Later!]
All My Love,


  1. You know, after reading your blog, I think you should drop the basic dance class and take the advanced class for credit. It's a really bad time, but I think you will be more satisfied with it. Plus it will fill the need for your theatre craving. I think you're right, the theatre club may end up being too much like high school. As far as other stuff, do what's fun, and try for things that don't have a firm commitment! Learning futbol, yes; playing intramural games, no. You are learning more and more how to be a good judge of your time! It is SO NICE to see you on Skype. Love you bunches!

  2. Do what you can only do in Spain and nopt what you could do here at home. That would be my rule of thumb! You may not be in "theatre" but you have getting all kinds of experiences that will help you later in theatre in ways you never would expect! Have fun!
    Lovek Aunt Diane
