Sunday, November 29, 2009


Alright- I'm getting worse and worse about posting on here in a timely fashion. It's been a week since my trip to Brugge, but the thing is I've been super busy and still am! So, for whoever is still reading this thing, I beg your forgiveness.

Belgium was exactly as I imagined it. When I got off the plane the airport smelled like chocolate (due  to all the fancy chocolate shops inside the terminals) and I thought that that was very appropriate. I took the train from the Brussels airport for an hour and a half to get to Brugge. It is a pretty ride- the Belgium countryside reminds me very much of Indiana, except with little medieval churches in all the villages and the houses are roofed in tile not shingles. It had the nicest fall colors of anywhere I've been yet, even though fall was almost over.

When I arrived in Brugge I was immediately enchanted with the place. walking from the train station I just couldn't stop smiling. The little winding streets, medieval flemish buildings, and small town feel was just such an enjoyable change to the big cities that I have been traveling too. The Hostel I stayed at was y first stop and I liked the place right away. It had a very big common room with a couch, piano, free internet, and big tables. The people running it were the friendliest that I had met at a hostel so far! I spent the early afternoon wandering around the town, without really paying attention to where I was going, just enjoying the place and exploring. I sampled a flemish stew for lunch, at a cafe where I think the waiter thought I was french, as he kept speaking it to me. I just smiled and nodded and said "merci" a lot.

If you've never seen the movie "In Brugge" you won't know what I'm talking about here for a bit, but I took a free tour offered by the Hostel based on the movie, and showing us places featured in it. For instance the route of the chase scene in the end, the play park where one character sits while the other spies on him from a nearby gazeebo, and the hotel where the characters were staying. Our guide's name was Kai, and he was originally from New York, it was super fun on the tour with him because he was crazy and funny like all my theatre friends from home. It made me feel warm and fuzzy, hahaha!

Brugge had just been decorated for Christmas time and all the old houses and shops around the squares were hung with lights making the whole place look like a gingerbread town. There were little stalls all over the squares selling gifts and winter clothes, waffles, and hot drinks. I really liked the big ice-rink that was set up in the main square beneath the bell tower. It had a bunch of lights and offered hours of entertainment watching the skaters. I very much enjoyed sipping my tomato soup, bought from one of the vendors and watching them go round and round on the slipery surface. The weather was really fairly mild for november in northern europe, around 40 degrees, so the ice as very wet and everyone had a fall or two in the puddles.

I had so much fun hanging out with the people from the hostel and their friends. I truly met the nicest people I have met yet while on this trip. I loved the laid back air of the place and how I felt so at home there. I definitely want to go back some day and spend more time just enjoying the fairy tale calm of the city.

Well, in four days I embark on my longest journey of the trip: six days in Italy! I really hope I can get through it all ok, without getting too lost or spending too much money! But I'll let you know. After that It's my birthday, finals week, and then my parents come for christmas!!! So exciting. It's all winding down, I can't believe i'm moving in on my fourth month here. Wow. Well, until next time,

Much love to all-


  1. I love your posts! Please don't stop!

  2. lol- thanks for the support! who wrote that? you show up as "Anonymous". :)
